Friday, March 20, 2009

Jalen Nathan Richards "J" "Brover"

This post is long over due about Jalen I will have to find newer ones I my computer. Jalen will be 15 in June yes people he will be getting his learners!!!! AHHHHH where has the time gone. He was 9 when Nate and I were married! Here are some pictures of Jalen enjoy.

Showing his lamb county fair 2004

Thinking he is cool driving dump truck. Stephanie helped a local farmer drive dump trucks in 2004 so the kids got to go with me while Nate drove tractor for the same farmer.

baseball (look at how young)

This is what happens for your 12th birthday. Especially when you go to scout camp and run with a glass bottle this was 2 days after it happened!!

And the birthday party. Nate was able to get time off to go with Jalen to thunder ridge I believe down by Cedar. The night he got down there Jalen was running at night with a glass bottle tripped and Nate was able to take him to the emergency room in Cedar and bring him home. What a bonding moment. Not the kind of phone call you want at about 11 pm .

Pine Lake not sure the year

School band performance yes it is a trumpet 2006

I dont know when this was taken but he looks good!

Utah history assembly 2005 (our little indian)
I will find some updated photos on my computer!! I thought there were more updated ones on my moms. But this is a glimpse of Jalen or "J" or my bestest brover as Tbone calls him. He is awesome we love him so much. He helps us out a lot with the animals, cooking, (yes he loves it and I love the help) and everything else we ask him to do . He is a great big brother to Jocelyn and Treyson and a wonderful son. We are proud he is in our family!!!!

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